Body BuildingMens Health

Test Boost Max Review : Things To Know Before You Buy

testboost max

Among the number of testosterone supplements in the market, Test Boost Max is a popular one. As per ingredients, availability, ease in money back policy, positive customer reviews it becomes a well known and trusted brand among the users. It is a natural supplement for men only.

As testosterone hormone is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in men. It regulates sex drive, fat distribution, muscle mass,  bone mass, and strength, and production of blood cells and sperm. 

For any reason, if there is deficiency in healthy levels of testosterone in the body, then it can be supplemented. But the main reason for low testosterone is stress. In today’s strenuous lifestyle low level of testosterone is common. When men experience stress, cortisol hormone is released from the body that prepares the body to respond to the stress and after responding the body goes back to normal state.

But for prolonged or chronic stress, cortisol hormones release continue and it reduces the free testosterone in the body. That is the reason that testosterone supplementation is common nowadays.

Sculpt Nation, a US based company, established in 2015 is the manufacturer of Test Boost Max. It is a familiar name in the production of supplements for male to boost energy, vitality, and enhance muscle mass, bone strength and strength  to their organism. 

Ingredients of Test Boost Max

 It contains a handful of components, that are mainly different parts of plants. No artificial testosterone is there, but each ingredient in it is effective to boost the natural testosterone level in the body. 

Advantages of Test Boost Max

  • As already mentioned above, instead of supplying synthetic testosterone it boosts the natural testosterone level in the body. Appropriate dose of Ashwagandha reduces stress hormone cortisol. Thus Ashwagandha enhances the level of testosterone hormone in the human body.
  • Contains all natural ingredients.
  • It boosts energy and vitality with the proper ingredients.
  • The company offers a lifetime money back policy.
  • Pocket friendly price is another reason for choice.


  • It misses out some most powerful ingredients, that other Tboosters contains, e.g. D-AA, some vitamins and minerals
  • The dosage of components is lower in it as compared with other testosterone boosters in the market.
  • Relatively expensive than the other similar products in the market.
  • Other products available in the market have more natural testosterone boosters than Test Boost Max.

Test Boost Max is undoubtedly a popular brand in the market but it has many limitations that restrain it from being the number one in the market. Though the manufacturer is confident of its effectiveness and many athletes and fitness companies recommend it still it doesn’t become the best among other brands. 

But the question is, if not Test Boost Max, then what is the next best alternative? It is not the toughest task to find a suitable alternative to Test Boost Max. But one should be careful while choosing what is best suited for him.

One should check the ingredients list and go through the efficiency of each ingredient. Next he should check whether he is allergic to any of the ingredients. After that, the pros and cons of each such testosterone boosters should be checked and then only one can get the best booster as per his requirements. 

But after going through maximum reviews of customers and research on most popular brands of the market two best alternatives of Test Boost Max are selected. 

They are :

These two testosterone supplements work wonders in boosting testosterone. For the benefits of the users the details of these two supplements are discussed in the article.


TestoPrime is one of the best supplements for boosting testosterone levels in men. It helps in increasing  sex drive. Other positive health benefits that TestoPrime promised aUre more muscle mass, reduced body fat, more energy, better confidence, improved mood.

The manufacturer, Wolfson Brands (U.K) Ltd. is a well known company in the field of physical fitness, general wellness and nutrition. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome is also known as hypogonadism. In such a situation , enough testosterone is not produced in male body in testicle. It is an over the counter supplement that means no prescription is required from any medical practitioner. 

Ingredients in TestoPrime

TestoPrime being a supplement is not FDA approved as it is a supplement not scheduled drugs, but all the components of it are FDA approved. The ingredients are quite common and well known all over the world carefully chosen for quality control.It has no additives. Vegetarians and vegans can also take this supplement. 

The prime components of Testoprime are as follows:

D-Aspartic Acid (2000 mg) – D- Aspartic acid is an amino acid that our body produces naturally. This amino acid does not directly affect the testosterone hormone in male but it helps in producing luteinizing hormone (LH) in the blood. This LH boosts testosterone production. This acid is important for the male organ functioning. It also helps in weight loss and gaining muscles. The addition of this amino acid in Testoprime makes it different from other testosterone supplements.

Ashwagandha Extract (668 mg) – Ashwagandha is a common ingredient in almost all testosterone supplements, but testoPrime contains KSM – 66 ashwagandha as it is considered to be the most potent and purest.

Ashwagandha has been used from ancient times in the treatment of male libido. So we can say that it is time tested to be used in dietary supplements to boost testosterone. The other benefits of it are, it increases metabolic rate, improves cortisol level to reduce stress, and works as nootropic to improve brain functions.

Black Pepper Extract (6.68 mg) – Black pepper has a maximum amount of piperine compared with any other pepper. Piperine is good as it increases the absorption of nutrients in the body. Natural black pepper extract, though expensive, is used in place of synthetic piperine to avoid any side effects.  

Fenugreek (800 mg) – Fenugreek is very common and useful for its medicinal properties since at least 6000 years. Both the leaves and seeds are consumed. For libido and erectile dysfunctionality it is traditionally used. Apart from that it increases metabolic rates, reduces fats, controls blood sugar, and boosts energy level in general.

Garlic Extract (1,200 mg) – Garlic has innumerable benefits. It is included in the supplements mainly to fasten and ease up weight loss. Extra fat, especially belly fat, reduces the testosterone level in the body. 

Green Tea Extract (4000 mg) – Green tea is used in this supplement to bar the conversion of testosterone to DHT. More or less 10% of conversion is normal, but with age, the rate often increases above the standard. Green tea extract contains catechins and a particular ECGC that helps in weight loss, reduce inflammation and prevention of chronic diseases. 

Panax Ginseng (8000 mg)- Ginseng in TestoPrime improves libido by lowering stress and boosting energy. It makes the user fight with fatigue. Ginseng root has been used from ages in many treatments,it is rich in antioxidants that flashes toxins from the body.

Pomegranate Extract(360 mg) – Ellagic acid is naturally found in pomegranate. That is why it is included in the TestoPrime. Polyphenol antioxidants in ellagic acid improve blood circulation and improve cellular function. This improves sex drive in men, increases energy level and decreases chronic fatigue symptoms.

Vitamin B5 (8 mg) – Vitamin B5 is an essential nutrient that takes part in the conversion of fat into energy. It maintains a healthy level of testosterone and and helps in stubborn fat reduction  

Especially after 40.

Vitamin B6 (5.6 mg) – The presence of vitamin B6 is the reason behind the function of TestoPrime as a nootropic supplement, i.e it boosts the functionality of the brain. Apart from its nootric property, vitamin B6 keeps testosterone level normal and reduces stress and increases energy

Zinc (40 mg) – Zinc is used here to work with the EGCG of green tea extract. With aging, testosterone in male is converted into estradiol, a predominant form of estrogen. Zinc with EGCG slows down that conversion.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D though required for bone density it also enhances metabolism, stable and positive mood, immune system and testosterone levels.

Dosage of TestoPrime – 

4 capsules a day before breakfast should be taken.

Benefits of TestoPrime

The users of TestoPrime notices some positive physical and mental changes. These changes are as follows:

Enhance testosterone level

The main function of TestoPrime is it boosts release of testosterone in the body. In general, the level of testosterone decreases with aging. That’s why TestoPrime is more effective in men above the age  of 40 than boys above the age of 18. Instead of supplying synthetic testosterone, TestPrime boosts the natural production of testosterone.  

Reduce Stress 

Cortisol is a hormone the body releases at the time of stress to prepare the body and respond to stress . Chronic stress can be the cause of declining levels of Testosterone. TestoPrime helps to control stress and enhance the Testosterone level. Regular users of TestoPrime report better stress management in their daily life by 71%.

Burn overall body fat

TestoPrime became popular because one of its effects is, it burns overall fat of the body. Regular exercise, balanced diet, regular weight training and TestoPrime make definite differences in weight loss.

From the review of the users and market survey, it is revealed that TestoPrime can reduce body fat by 16%. It reduces fat from man-boob, belly, thigh which is one of the reasons for its popularity. As it reduces fat from specific parts of the body, muscle won’t get reduced with body weight.

Develop  Muscle Strength

Every man dreams of having a great muscular body, sharp jawline, and spectacular cuts and contours on the body. A testosterone boost makes it reality. TestPrime supports muscle growth that helps men to shape their body. It ensures up to 138% of muscle growth.

Energize body by converting fat into  energy

With the boost of testosterone in the body, TestoPrime helps in weight loss. It increases the fat-energy conversion. That helps to lose stubborn fat from belly, thighs and boost the energy level. The users get a better drive to lose weight.

Overall endurance increased

During physical exertion maximum oxygen is consumed in the body. This is known as VO2 max. TestoPrime naturally increases oxygen consumption and nitric oxide. It thus enhances male performance and overall strength building.    


  • TestoPrime is 100% natural product
  • Results are permanent not like many others in the market
  • It has many other benefits like boost metabolism, strengthen bones, develop muscles
  • Increase energy levels and immunity
  • Does not have any side effects
  • The product comes with a 100% life time money back guarantee


  • It is available only from the official website of the company.

From the above pros and cons list of TestoPrime it can be well understood the reason for it being number one in testosterone boosters.

Visit TestoPrime Official Website

Prime Male

prime male

Click here to visit Prime Male Official Website

Testosterone hormone plays key roles in secondary sex development in male. But that’s not the only thing. It is also required for muscle growth, stamina, energy, sperm production as well as red blood cell production. The lack of energy, chronic fatigue, and less libido can be the cause of less than normal testosterone levels in men. 

Prime Male, a 100% natural dietary supplement that increases the production of testosterone in the body thus increasing the muscle mass, inner-strength. It targets the male above the age of 30 years, when the normal testosterone production starts reducing. 

The ingredient used in Prime male is 100% natural and no synthetic testosterone is provided through Prime Male. Its function is to promote natural production of testosterone levels in men. 

The key components of Prime male are as follows:

Zinc Citrate – Zinc citrate is a compound made from Zinc oxide and citric acid. It stimulates the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH) that in turn stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone. Its other functions are, it enhances the immune system, reduces inflammation and helps in healing any type of damage in the body. That’s why doctors prescribe zinc based vitamins after recovery.

Magnesium – Magnesium works in the same manner as zinc citrate does to increase the testosterone level. But apart from that it regulates cortisol hormones thus reducing stress level and increasing the production of testosterone. And it regulates estrogen as well and that also increases testosterone level in the body. 

Nettle Root – Nettle root extract improves testosterone levels by blocking 5-alpha reductase that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DTH).  it is used in the treatment of enlarged prostate. It increases performance in men.

Luteolin – Luteolin in Prime Male boosts testosterone as it blocks the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. This prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and keeps its levels normal. 

Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha is a key component in all testosterone supplements. It is time tested for its benefits in the overall improvement in men. It enhances male drive and performance. It can lower the cortisol hormone that is released in the body at stress.

D – Aspartic Acid – D – Aspartic acid keeps the testosterone level in normal levels by reducing the production of estrogen. Estrogen and testosterone both are sex hormones in females and males respectively. But they are connected. An increase in estrogen causes a decrease in testosterone. High estrogen often produces SHBG that binds the free testosterone in the body and makes it useless.   

Dosage of Prime Male

The Prime male capsules should be taken 4 times a day with meals and snacks. Regular intake for at least seven days can show satisfactory results.  

Advantages of Prime Male :

  1. It increases testosterone levels in three ways. 
    1. By boosting testosterone production in body
    2. By reducing estrogen hormone
    3. By restricting conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone(DHT)
    4. By blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen
  2. The ingredients in Prime Male also boosts immune system
  3. Reduce overall stress
  4. It improves sleep and mood
  5. Muscle mass, bone strength are enhanced
  6. Reduces stubborn body fat 
  7. It is GMO free

Disadvantages of Prime Male :

  1. All its ingredients are not tested as testosterone booster
  2. There is no money back policy
  3. A little bit expensive compared to other similar products
  4. Some users complaint side effects such as headache, stomach upset, diarrhea
  5. Not appropriate for vegan or vegetarians
  6. Only official sites provide the supplements. Even availability in else where can be fraudulent

Click here to visit Prime Male Official Website


Testosterone plays a very important role in both normal life and conjugal life of a man. That is why it can not be ignored.  With so many alternatives, choosing the right one is not tough anymore. 

Although maintaining a healthy and disciplined lifestyle, exercise, healthy diet can not be the substitute for any supplement. Exercise and a healthy diet can increase muscle mass, strengthen bones and eventually increase natural production of testosterone levels.


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